Current exhibitions

4 - 18th June 2024.        The 15th International Textile & Fibre Art Biennial 'Scythia' Ivano-Frankivs'k, Ukraine

16 - 26th August 2024.   Arundel Arts Trail, West Sussex. UK

July - September 2024. De Schierstins, Veenwouden, The Netherlands.  Following the Thread

August 13 - September 16 2024.  Timeless Textiles, Newcastle, Sydney, Australia

7-15th September 2024      Castle of Sala Baganza, Parma, Italy.

15 - 18th September 2024  Studio Art Quilt Associates.  Wide Horizons. Sainte Marie-Aux- Mines, Frances.

September 2024 - SAQA Abstractions - Total Elements.  Palatinate Museum, Heidelberg. Germany